Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The story so far

Today has been good. Work is slow, as usual, and I finally got this blog set up.

My wife has been encouraging for a few months now to track my moods and habits so that I can see any trends that might pop up, and it seems like a blog will be a pretty easy way to do that. If I know that I have been depressed, anxious, or manic for a period of time, then it makes it much easier for me to just ride out whatever noise my brain is throwing up and just ride it out until I feel that I am back to baseline again. My mind can get so scattered that I sometimes don't even know that I have been acting out of sorts for days, not until someone asks me about it and I stop and actually think about how I have been feeling.

I'm currently taking 10mg of Lexapro every day, have been for about a year or so, and my quality of life has definitely improved because of it. I really wish I would have started taking it years ago. So much wasted time in my past due to my anxiety and depression, not to mention the emotional confusion and lack of stability. Regardless of that, I feel very grateful right now for how my life has turned out. I know I could live without medication, but living wouldn't be nearly as good.

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